Year of the Snake 2025
Year of the Snake 2025
Comission For Owlcrate inspired by the novel "6 crimson cranes " by Elizabeth Lim
Comission For Owlcrate inspired by the novel "6 crimson cranes " by Elizabeth Lim
Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"
Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"


Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"
Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"


Helen and Cassandra
Helen and Cassandra

Endpaper illustration for Uniboek and Bea Fitzgerald’s novel “The Crown Ends All “

harvest logo less sat 3.png
Autumn dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
Autumn dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
Spring dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
Spring dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
asian knight logo insta new small.png
hunter gif small.gif
sensuality magicmoonweek.png
priestess logo small.png
festivities logo less sat.png
Vacation in Greece- personal work
Vacation in Greece- personal work
mystic sun week 2. godess logo 2.png
mystic sun week 3. flourish logo.png
mystic sun week 1. flower logo.jpg
fruit logo srgb.png
hanbok insta - small.png
Laura Vita "Rouge" FACNNYO 059
Laura Vita "Rouge" FACNNYO 059

Illustration made for Laura Vita and their new shoe collection Rouge.

Year of the Snake 2025
Comission For Owlcrate inspired by the novel "6 crimson cranes " by Elizabeth Lim
Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"
Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"
Helen and Cassandra
harvest logo less sat 3.png
Autumn dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
Spring dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
asian knight logo insta new small.png
hunter gif small.gif
sensuality magicmoonweek.png
priestess logo small.png
festivities logo less sat.png
Vacation in Greece- personal work
mystic sun week 2. godess logo 2.png
mystic sun week 3. flourish logo.png
mystic sun week 1. flower logo.jpg
fruit logo srgb.png
hanbok insta - small.png
Laura Vita "Rouge" FACNNYO 059
Year of the Snake 2025
Comission For Owlcrate inspired by the novel "6 crimson cranes " by Elizabeth Lim
Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"


Character card made for Author Tasha Suri and her novel "The Jasmine Throne"


Helen and Cassandra

Endpaper illustration for Uniboek and Bea Fitzgerald’s novel “The Crown Ends All “

Autumn dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
Spring dessert plate illustration for Litjoy
Vacation in Greece- personal work
Laura Vita "Rouge" FACNNYO 059

Illustration made for Laura Vita and their new shoe collection Rouge.

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